Sometimes I Miss Momma
Written by Jason Howes (Jason Howes Music, ASCAP)
Life is good
And the Lord has blessed my life
My heart is glad
I have it all
Kids and a happy wife
But every now and then
When I'm all all alone
A tear will flow down my face
From a memory that goes on
Sometimes I miss momma
Oh how I long to hear her voice
It seems just like yesterday
When we said goodbye
A lot has changed here in our world
Since mama went away
But in Heaven I won't miss momma
'Cuz we'll meet again some day
The hands of death
Have no hold on a believer
Jesus died and rose again
He conquered death and the grave
And when that old trumpet sounds
The dead in Christ will rise
We shall reunite with those gone on
When we meet Him in the sky
And I won't have to miss momma
And I'll get to hear her sweat voice
We'll sing for ages and ages more
And we'll never say goodbye
All the suffering in the world
Will just pass away
And in heaven I won't miss momma
When we meet again some day
© Copyright 2019 Jason Howes. All rights reserved. www.jasonhowesmusic.com