The Basket
Written by Jason Howes (Jason Howes Music, ASCAP)
As her baby boy cried,
She also shed a tear.
As she looked down,
she feared the unknown.
She knew what she had to do,
to follow God's will.
To send little baby Moses away
And by the river you could hear her pray.
The plans that you have made are always greater,
Than the things that disappoint me.
Lord help me to have faith in you
while you work your plan
And help me to place the basket in the water.
And help me to let go.
My little ones have grown so fast,
Oh how the years have flown.
I've taught them of your love Lord.
I'm not sure what else to do.
I pray that they will follow you in your perfect will.
As they go on their way
Lord please hear me when I pray.
You said in your Word,
To train them in your ways,
And even when their old the won't depart.
I'm trusting in you Lord,
And what the Bible says.
Because I know you're living in their hearts.
Inspired after reading an article, I wrote this song about the difficulty humans have with letting go of control to the things we really don't control in the first place. As a parent with children in their teenage years, I decided to focus the song topic specifically on letting go of your children as they reach their age of independence. This time of life is hard for me and I know it has been hard for many parents. You have done what you can to teach them right from wrong, to love the Lord and follow His teachings and commandments. Yet the apprehension of releasing them to the world without your daily guidance seems very daunting. God is sovereign, He is in control. Despite our wishes and logic He will direct them in their paths. They may choose a good path or a bad path. And that can be joyous or heartbreaking. However, we must hold on to the scripture that says "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." The prayer is that God will give us the courage as parents to place the basket in the water, where they can be free to go their own direction. And for the strength to completely let go.
© Copyright 2019 Jason Howes. All rights reserved. www.jasonhowesmusic.com